BPP 204: Getting Sharp Focused Photos - Why You're Taking Blurry Pictures

Taking photos that are sharp is one of the hallmarks of a professional photographer. It shows a clear understanding of their abilities to not only read the scene in front of them but to use their technical knowledge to capture the scene with beauty.

For new photographers, getting sharp photos can be quite challenging and cause confusion. Part of the time photos don’t turn out sharp because of having the wrong technical settings while the other times, the gear could be at fault.

Today I break down the 4 reasons why you’re taking blurry photos and how to get sharply focused photos.

Reason #1: You Missed Focus

Reason #2: Chromatic Aberration

Reason #3: Your ISO is too High

Reason #4: Motion Blur

Knowing how to use your camera and the effect your camera settings has on an image is imperative to being able to capture sharp photos.

I'm officially reopening enrollment in my online photography course Auto to Amazing!

Auto to Amazing is the fastest way to learn photography guaranteed. 

Learn more here


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Full Episode Transcription:

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