BPP 307: Annemie Tonken - Sales Made Simple

Annemie has been a professional photographer since 2010 and is now a respected educator, speaker, and podcaster focusing on business systems and strategies that help creative entrepreneurs run profitable, sustainable businesses they love.

She's the host of This Can't Be That Hard, a top-rated weekly business podcast for photographers, the creator of the Simple Sales System, which is used by thousands of photographers worldwide to create in-person sales-level income and service in an automated, workflow-friendly way, and she’s the Co-Founder of The Family Narrative conference. Annemie is an experienced speaker known for her actionable, fluff-free content (and memorable metaphors)

In this interview Annemie shares how scared she was that all of her clients would hate her when she raised her prices (they didn’t), why we think our clients want more options they don’t) and how her clients reacted when she lowered her prices, (they got mad, yeah) and what she did to fix it.

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